Saturday, December 27, 2008

Swimming(Serino Family Gathering)

Swimming a while ago at our Family's Beach resort because of our family annual gathering (Serino Family) the picture below is my mom and dad dancing.

This picture below is Angkong (Grand Father) with some of my cousins. Another picture is my Tito Ed with another tito drinking Fundador hehehe....I don't know if they got drunk with it....

Picture below is Tito Anog and Ama(Grand Mother) infront of the beach watching my little cousin Jeco...(right) Me riding Tito Ed's Floating cottage(bangka)...

After Eating Lunch and a little parlor games me and my cousins go for the swimming in the warm and clear I wish im with my baby I enjoyed today's activity but a little sad because I left my Baby at work..I hope she can be with me in activities like this next year....

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