Sunday, June 06, 2010

A Tribute to a Great Man

I remember when I was on my elementary and highschool days Angkong was my favorite lolo. I use to go with him in his election campaigns during his aspiring days to become a mayor of his beloved town, which he achieved and served well. I love all his deeds serving the needy unconditionally.
I cant forget when people asks for financial assistance he always helps without asking. It would take me a day blogging if I am going to tell all my angkong's good deeds and achievements, It really breaks my heart as I go on...I really miss angkong badly, I missed going with him in our farm in Tongo and watch the chicken, go fishing in our small pond to catch tilapia for our lunch. He used to call me everytime I am in Jimenez if I want go with him when he goes to Tongo. What I know based in my mother's stories angkong never lets his sons and daughters down. He used to aid them whenever they have problems. Though he was strict on his early days it really helped a lot grounding well bred siblings which are all successful in life. Farewell angkong you will always be missed not only by us but also the entire town. Your Legacy will never be forgotten...We are very proud of you giving us memories to be passed for our future generations...You will always be loved and remembered.... :-(

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